Welcome to Secure My Stuff Now.
Security can be confusing, sometimes intimidating. And it can change quickly too, especially during these tech-dominated times. But I believe that Being Smart is key to staying safe. And while the world of security is a constantly changing, confusing one it can be made simpler. That’s what Secure My Stuff Now is all about- breaking the security issues down and keeping it simple.
There’s plenty of risks out there. They are online, in our businesses, and even in our homes. To address these issues, we first need to understand them. That’s why I think everyone deserves to have the issues and solutions broken down. Having these things explained simply allows us to understand them. And understanding them means we are able to handle these risks in our daily lives, improve our safety and experience peace of mind.
Understanding security in the home, online, in small business and during times of crisis can make all the difference to your physical, digital and financial safety. And not just you personally, but your family too.
From The Founder Dr. Matthew Cole PhD
I’ve had my fair share of security issues. From dealing with naughty neighbours and break-ins to financial crimes in business. Because of this, I have been forced to spend countless hours researching and implementing the best ways of addressing these risks myself. That’s why you will find various security topics covered on the site. These topics are categorized under broad themes based on my experience:
- Digital and online security
- Home security
- Security in small-business
- Security during a crisis
The site is growing and articles are published regularly. These articles explain security issues and risks in simple terms, and outline helpful, simple solutions.
I have experience as the founder of a physical security business, owner of a multi-store retail chain, and also have a PhD in computer modeling. Yes, there’s a little variety there! I have one wife, three kids, two dogs, one cat and five chickens. I enjoy painting and drawing, coaching soccer and working with the youth in my church.
The content on securemystuffnow.com is the product of a lot of time, research and experience in the field. I hope you find something that is helpful to your life.
Thank you for visiting! Stay safe!