Many approach disasters from an insurance perspective. The common argument is that if you have insurance with adequate coverage then the insurer will assist your company (or household) get back on your feet again. However, it’s not so simple. A whopping 50% of companies that experience a fire are out of business within 6 months and that number increases to 90% within 18 months (FireKing).
In the event of a disaster like fire or flood, there are many assets in your business and home that either cannot be replaced or re-purchased. And even if you can, some would take significant time and effort to replace, and that’s something you can’t afford when trying to recover in a business. This especially applies to a company’s important documents.
A fire can cause irreparable damage to many important documents, including confidential business papers and HR documents. These cannot be easily replaced! However, some planning and investment can help mitigate such losses and help recovery after a fire.
A fireproof file cabinet will save you time by eliminating the need to search for all of those papers or have them replaced, and it will provide peace-of-mind in an emergency scenario.
Factors to Consider When Purchasing a Fireproof File Cabinet
Here is a list of some things you should bear in mind when considering a fireproof file cabinet purchase:
- Fireproof – The industry standard for fireproof cabinets is one hour at 350°F. This simply means that the file cabinet can withstand 350°F fire for at least one hour.
- Water-Resistant: If there is a fire, there will likely be firefighters putting out the flames with water. Your documents will be destroyed if the cabinet isn’t water-resistant. Even if the cabinet is fireproof, it doesn’t mean anything if it’s not water-resistant.
- Weight – These cabinets can be a lot heavier than conventional cabinets because they are heavily insulated. It can take two or more people to maneuver a fireproof cabinet with a sturdy trolley. Bear that in mind when you purchase one, especially if you have steps, stairs or awkward spaces to maneuver through!
- Locks – In a business environment especially, it is important that your file cabinet can lock. Not only do you need to protect your documents against disasters, but also people. You have confidential files, such as HR, tax, and insurance documents that are sensitive. These files need to be secured from unwanted hands and eyes.
- Size – Choose a cabinet that can hold the documents you need to file in the format you prefer (front to back, side to side). So, consider if you will store any legal size papers in the cabinet. Rule of thumb is, you probably will (after all these are likely to contain legal documents like leases, wills etc.) so go with the legal size out the gate. But cabinets can come with different door counts, typically two or four. So again, think about how many documents you’ll be storing.
Fireproof File Cabinet Options
When you start searching for Fireproof file cabinets you will notice that one name dominates the market. And that’s for good reason. There are not too many reliable fireproof file cabinet manufacturers out there but FireKing has literally been the brand to rule the niche for decades. KireKing produce extremely reliable, tried and tested products. But, there are also a couple of other brands you might want to consider that are strong contenders. Here are some options you might want to consider in your search:
FireKing Turtle (4- and 2-drawer models)
The FireKing Turtle comes in either 2- or 4-drawer and is fireproof and able to withstand 350F fire for up 1 hour. It can also withstand a drop from 30 feet without losing it’s integrity and is waterproof to protect from those fire hoses after a fire event! The drawers are lockable and can store letter or legal size documents. The 4-door option comes in at 643lb and the 2-drawer at 251 lb. One downside is that it does not roll, so bear that in mind.
As a FireKing 4-drawer cabinet owner, I can vouch for the quality of their product. The drawers glide seamlessly and the lock mechanism works flawlessly. The sheer heft of these cabinets can be a predicament when moving office spaces though!
Phoenix Safe International Lateral Fireproof Cabinet
If you’re looking for a lateral style file cabinet then the Lateral File Cabinet by Phoenix Safe International is a great option. Similar to the FireKing Turtle, the Phoenix is UL fireproof rated to 350 F for 1 hour and is also water resistant. It has 2 storage drawers. In addition, Phoenix will replace any filing cabinet that is damaged by a fire. Storage is flexible: you can fill the drawers with two rows of letter documents front to back, legal from side to side, and letter side to side. Letter documents can be stored one one and legal papers the other. There are 2-, 3- and 4-drawer options. The 4-drawer version weighs even more than it’s FireKing Turtle counterpart, at 668 lb, and again, doesn’t have any rollers.
Sentry Safe Lateral File Cabinet
The SentrySafe 4L3610 4 Drawer Lateral Fire File’s minimalist profile looks professional. UL Classified for 1 hour fire as well as UL classified for explosion and impact resistance. Drawers may be set to accommodate both letter and legal hanging file folders within the same unit for optimum filing capacity. The drawer key lock protects all drawers. A drawer-specific “lock/unlock” option also gives additional protection by enabling access restriction to particular drawers.
FireKing Patriot
The FireKing Patriot is the smaller brother to the Turtle. It is also sleeker than the SentrySafe options. One feature that customers have noted is the great locking mechanisms in the FireKing which appear to get better ratings than those of the SentrySafe. The Patriot is an economical option from the GrandDaddy of fireproof filing cabinets. At 603 lb it is
SentrySafe HD4100 Small-Form Document Box
This is an alternative to the conventional, larger file cabinets. It is waterproof rated up to 72 hours of submersion and for fire at 30 mins at 1550F. While the fire rating is less than the competition, at 39 lb, this model is portable. It accommodates hanging file folders to store documents.
Chubb Fire File 25
Chubb is one of the best known safe manufacturers out there. They also make filing cabinets. With their history and reputation for security in fire-rated safes, Chubb has also got a prestigious line of filing cabinets. With fire ratings comparable to those from FireKing and SentrySafe, Chubb also offers additional security options in the form of key or combination and/or electronic locks.
The Final Score
Any of the above listed manufacturers provide some solid fireproof filing cabinet options. They are definitely worth checking out. Be sure to check dimensions and weight as these may limit where you can store and maneuver the cabinets. And make sure you get one that is water-resistant too. It’s great insurance against loss of irreplaceable documents and valuable papers that actual insurance can’t protect against!
As part of your disaster-preparedness and recovery plan, make sure you include digitizing of your valuable documents and a backup system that is reliable in the event that you need to access lost documents quickly. Although in some circumstances only originals will do, digital copies can be a great help in recovery when disaster strikes. Your can find more details on how to do this HERE.